What is a Blog?

What is a Blog?

by: Arlene Gentallan

What is a Blog?
What is a Blog?

        A blog, just like other websites, is a means of sharing information with topics ranging from personal passion and hobbies to global matters and interest. But what differentiates a blog from any other kind of website is its unique main feature of organizing its content "post" in a chronological order.

        By chronological, I mean the most recent content "post" always goes on top of the homepage. In turn, the older posts gets embedded down the bottom of the page.)

        A blog is made up of series of content called "posts." A post is an entry made by the author (blogger.) It is a content of information consisting of a single or a combination of texts, images, links, videos, etc. So we can say that a post is equivalent to one piece of article, can be short, can be long.

        Because of a blog's way of organizing "posts" in a chronological order, it's a culture shock to those people who are oriented to a static website wherein the homepage is more or less unchanging; it's homepage may display links to the recent news/hot deals people can click on while also showing it's offered myriad selection of topics and subtopics.

But wait...

        The older post of a blog is not erased from history as time pass. There's a feature enabling one to conveniently locate them, it's called the "archive." Often, the Archive is located on the sidebar of a blog, displaying a hierarchy of blog posts arranged based on the date they were posted.

        Another useful adds on feature of a blog is the two sided conversation offered by enabling "comments" on it. In contrast to the one-sided conversation of a static website wherein people just read/watch, a person can leave a comment of his/her opinion, feedback, recommendation and question on a blog post. This way, a blogger can interact with his/her audience.


        A blog is a compilation of "posts" arranged with the most recent as first and the older last. All posts are easily accessible through the "archive." Where it's possible for people to leave "comments."



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