5 Amazing Things Exercise does to your Brain
5 Amazing Things Exercise does to your Brain
By: Arlene Gentallan
Exercise doesn’t just make your body fit, it also keeps your brain healthy!
1. Don’t let aging take it’s toll on your brain
Did you know that when you hit age 30, you progressively loose those precious nerves inside your brain? Which means, your mind can’t be as sharp as it was before. It’s one of the of many inevitable things that comes along with aging. But there’s still something you can do. Research has shown that aerobic exercise decreases that rate at which aged people loose brain tissue
2. Prevention is better than cure
Exercise helps decrease the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases like the incurable Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Exercise proves beneficial even to those people already afflicted with neurodegenerative disease because while physical activity can not cure memory loss, it does slow down intellectual decline.
3. Makes you smarter
It’s not just older people that benefits from exercise. Study has shown that physical activity has positive impact on school performance among children.
4. Anxiety and depression
When you are anxious or depressed, one of the least thing that comes to your mind is exercise. But research tells otherwise. In fact, exercise may just be the thing to boost you mood!
5. Insomnia
Is sleeping each night difficult? Did you know that a regular daytime exercise improves sleep at night and prevents daytime sleepiness. It’s a safe and cost effective alternative treatment for insomnia.